Case Study
UMD for Gas Turbine

Secured power to gas turbine auxiliaries


A multinational pipeline company in Canada owns and operates pipelines throughout Canada and the United States, transporting crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids.

During 2019 the company conducted upgrades and a number of reliability enhancements on the southern portion of its natural gas transmission system.

Five new compressor units driven by GE LM2500 Gas Turbines and associated equipment to support their operation was ordered and installed.


To increase reliability and availability the customer chose KraftPowercons UMD™ solution. The UMD™ for each gas turbine powered the following drives.

  • 2 units of lube oil pumps, 50HP each
  • 3 units of oil cooling fans, 15HP each
  • 2 units of ventilation fans,125HP each


Schematic UMD for Gas Turbine

Uninterruptible Motor Drive

The UMD™ system is in continuous operation and the transition between mains and battery power is seamless. The UMD™ provides constant full power to the drives during any disturbances on the utility supply. Consequently, UMD™ eliminate the need for any additional equipment to compensate for pressure drop in the lube oil system and enable full availability for the fans.

The use of standard components simplifies the maintenance process and reduces downtime for servicing.


Our UMD system ensures full availability for critical gas turbine auxiliary drives

David Persson - Sales Executive, KraftPowercon

Case Study UMD for Gas Turbine