Industries that create air pollution in terms of particulate matter (PM), need to keep up with ever-increasing emission requirements. With our unique solutions, based on power supply upgrades, you can breathe new life into your electrostatic precipitator. This means that people living nearby get to breathe clean air, and employees enjoy a better working environment. At the same time, you reduce your emissions well below the legal demands and can enjoy reliable and effective operations that optimize your business. And you can trust our solutions to be perfectly adapted to fit your needs and capable of supporting processes for all sorts of fuels.


Precipitatori elettrostatici (ESP)

Precipitatori elettrostatici (ESP)
An ESP upgrade project is considered complex and costly since it entails stopping the application processes as well as hiring equipment and contractors which ultimately means loss of revenue. However, changing focus of an ESP upgrade from costly re-designing and re-constructing to using the right High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS) solution in a plant customized combination, can boost ESP performance. For more details, read the full paper below.
ICESP - The effect of Micro-Pulse Technologies power Supply on Electrostatic Precipitator performance - Resa Sharafy

PDF - 0.72 MB

Precipitatori elettrostatici (ESP)

Our Experts

Reza Sharafy

Jennifer Xu

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